Machine Learning


Optimizing Investment Strategies in the Banking Sector Using Historical Stock Data Analysis in the volatile world of bank stocks, where investors and analysts strive for maximum returns and minimal risks.


Program Language: Python3,
Data Source: Yahoo Finance API,
Libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, SciKit Learn, Datetime,


The ever-changing stock market presents a formidable challenge as a multitude of variables impact stock prices. Conventional investment tactics often fall short in keeping up with the market’s swift fluctuations, resulting in less-than-optimal decision-making. Therefore, this project initiative is to devise an innovative algorithmic trading strategy tailored specifically to the banking industry. My primary objective is to assess five years worth of historical data from select banks and discern the risk levels associated with different stocks, uncovering how these stocks are correlated and how these relationships impact their closing prices. Additionally, this project will employ visual aids, such as moving averages, to enhance my findings.


The solution is to designed an optimize investment strategy using supervise learning and a diverse analysis of historical stock data. My approach includes several components, each aimed at different aspects of investment decision-making. Firstly, we evaluate risk by examining five years of bank stock data and measuring volatility based on the standard deviation of daily returns. This allows us to identify the stocks with the highest and lowest levels of risk. Next, I will conduct correlation analysis to gain insight into how different bank stocks interact, aiding in portfolio diversification. Additionally, I will use moving averages to visually identify market trends, provide valuable insights into potential future stock movements. This is further enhanced by the implementation of predictive modeling techniques such as Linear Regression and LSTM to forecast future stock performances. Lastly, I will integrate all of this information to provide a comprehensive and robust solution for optimizing investment strategies in the banking sector in a supervise machine learning to predict future stock events. 

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All the files in this Historical Stocks Data Analysis is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Data Harvesting: The Foundation of Insight
The journey begins with collecting extensive historical data of various bank stocks over the past 5 years, utilizing robust APIs like Yahoo Finance. This critical step ensures a strong foundation for our subsequent analysis.
Technical Insight: The code demonstrates the simplicity yet effectiveness of using yfinance to gather comprehensive stock data. This step is pivotal in building a dataset that reflects market realities.

Goldman Sachs
JP Morgan
Morgan Stanley
City Group
Bank of America

In Conclusion

This portfolio piece is more than just a showcase of technical skills; it’s a narrative of transforming data into actionable insights in the complex world of bank stock trading. It reflects a journey of meticulous analysis, creative problem-solving, and strategic foresight, all aimed at demystifying the stock market’s ebbs and flows.

Historical Stocks Data Analysis
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